caught in the undertow
i got my comptia A+ certification!! one step closer to escaping poverty hell. not necessarily excited to go back to a 9-5 life but, at least i will have food consistenly in my belly again. i can put up with it... i went to the food pantry the other day and got all kinds of great stuff! i can go back there again next week too and ill be ok for the weeks going forward while im still searching for a job. i totally fucked myself up while celebrating though, i greened the hell out and triggered a psychosis ep. i document my newfound understandings here but, if youre sensititive or predisposed to death anxiety or things of that sort, probably don't read on...
i'm just going to copy and paste my discord logs, because i don't really feel like reliving the experience more than i already have. but as terrifying as it was i do appreciate the insights that came from it. probably never doing edibles again though, idc how horrible my period cramps get. ._.
9:32 AM
I kept thinking about the infalliable fact that illness and death is unavoidable and how i am destined to eventually see everyone in my life sick or at deaths door
9:32 AM
How in waking life i regard it as something mundane and unavoidable but deep down how horrifying it is and how unable i am to reconcile with that and properly show appreciation for those i care about in my day to day
9:33 AM
It was spurred on by reading camus' the plague like that book has so much heavy shit that it piles on you
9:34 AM
Its a really amazing distillation of the pains and pleasures of reality but because it does that so well it also haunts you
9:35 AM
ive never had a book give me secondhand tramua like a liveleak video LOL jesus christ i wont share it here for thsoe who are morbidly curious enough to read it
9:35 AM
i think without such extremities in depictions of imagery it wouldnt have told its message so well
9:38 AM
I couldnt remember a lot from my psychosis ep except for three things 1. i kept trying to understand and process camus' definition of the absurd i got obsessed with it mentally but it made me nauseous 2. i wanted to scream but i still had some grasp of social cues which kept me placid but also added to my fear of being a trapped animal unable to express pain 3. nothing was able to calm me but i laid down and started thinking about all the art i saw and all the ideas i had to express and i started to come down
9:40 AM
I tried everything like a cold shower i tried music i tried laying down on a cold floor it was kind of like reality was penetrating me from all sides the complexity of everything was molesting me and the understandings of things im usually able to block out to focus on what is presently at hand was attacking my senses from all sides
9:41 AM
Both in psychical sensation and conceptually
9:43 AM
But when i thought about art i thought about how it's able to make peace of all these moving gears and parts and how its able to tie things together. it presents a different interpretation of reality, one that has self awareness of being wrong and embraces that as part of its conception
9:44 AM
and i felt calm after that, cause i think making art reminds me its okay to have a wrong understanding of things, you can have your own personal understanding and it'll always change as you learn more but you can accept your understanding for what it is in a given moment
9:46 AM
I think that was the only good thing to come out of that. cause sometimes i question why even draw or, what makes drawing so deserving of my attention over other pursuits. its cause its calming when everything is overwhelming.